I hope everyone is having a good week. Today in Language Arts we started a Readers Theatre. I chose an African Folktale and assigned everyone a role. We read the story as a play together and I was happy how much the students enjoyed it. They asked if we could work on it again tomorrow. I plan to put them into groups and then get them to act it out.
In Science we continue to study weather. We have been going on "Cloud Walks". Weather prediction is part of the grade four curriculum. In order to enhance that area we have been walking around the school during D.P.A. and studying how clouds are formed, different types and what they can tell us about the weather.
Today was Pink Shirt Day. People wore pink shirts to support Anti-Bullying Day. We read a book called "Sissy Duck". The students had a long discussion on how bullying has affected them. I was impressed with the compassion and honesty that was shown by the class. I encourge you to continue the discussion at home. Math and Music were also part of our busy day.
Welcome to our class Blog, A teaching resource for parents and students, to keep you informed about what we are studying and learning at Tillicum Elementary School. The blog will be updated regularly so come back often and enjoy our learning. (To be notified when the blog is updated become follower by email)
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Feb 27: Jury Duty
Mr. W has been selected for Jury duty and will probably be gone until after spring break which starts on the 9th. Mrs. O will be taking up the extra time except on Fridays. Great job Mrs. O ... take care all and have a great spring break.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Monday Feb 20: Spelling the Carpenters and Ships of Discovery
Symphony field trip tomorrow; make sure signed forms are in
I will be away for two weeks starting on
Thursday the 23rd as I have been selected for Jury Duty
We began the week with our weekly spelling words: bridge gravity hungry eclipse secret applaud laundry trouble attract twilight between describe snowflake freedom slimy glance burglar switch
The students worked on a 2 page double sided spelling sheet to go along with the unit. Those students not finished by recess are expected to take it home to help them with their spelling study for Friday's Test.
After recess the students had music with Mrs. Awalt where they sang and practiced reading music while playing the recorder.
Music was followed with cupcakes brought in by "N" who had here birthday on the weekend this was followed by math with multiplication of two or three digit by one digit practice.
After lunch the students not in choir listened to and did a one page report on The Carpenters the #1 selling American music act of the 1970s.
Choir was followed by the students reading the 20 page booklet on "Ships of Discovery" and coming up with questions for our in class 'Read for the Top' contest. The students have been divided into groups of 4 and will compete using the official buzzer boards in the library. The 4 students in the class, no matter which group they are in, who answer the most questions will be selected to form team "Wilson" and compete against Mr. Edwards class. The competition between our class and Mr. Edwards will be with a new novel. The winner between those two classes will face the winner of the grade five classes of Mr. D's and Mrs. C's with a new novel.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Skating, Math and Language Arts
We had an exciting busy day. After silent reading we had a productive math block. I decided to split the class into four groups. I was really happy how this worked and the students enjoyed working with other students that are at a similiar level. Each group had a different assignment.
After recess we wrote descriptive paragraphs, yesterday we finished an assignment on persuasive writing. You produced great work everyone. In the afternoon we walked to the Perks Arena and the students got a chance to show off their skating skills.
After recess we wrote descriptive paragraphs, yesterday we finished an assignment on persuasive writing. You produced great work everyone. In the afternoon we walked to the Perks Arena and the students got a chance to show off their skating skills.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Tuesday: Fortunately/Unfortunately and Leslie McGary
We began the day working on our new mini book based on the mini book "FORTUNATELY" by Remy Charlip. It starts with a boy receiving a party invitation:
Unfortunately it is in Florida and he lives in New York.
Fortunately a friend loaned him an airplane.
Unfortunately the engine exploded. Etc. Etc.
In the end he finds himself at the party
The students are to think of a series of events good and bad in a 16 page story. Actually it has been fun doing fortunately and unfortunately with almost everything we are doing today. Fortunately it is p.e. unfortunately we have a guest speaker coming, fortunately we can share with Mr. Edwards at the end of the day.... etc.
In math the students did some two by one digit multiplication. (2x28 =___ 3x55=___ etc) Some students still are working on their basic facts but using a times table chart are understanding the algorithm for doing the work.

In the afternoon we had the third visit from Leslie McGary to complete our mini First Nations experience in the classroom and at the Museum field trip.

She taught us how to make special pouches all working at the same speed, step by step, waiting for everyone to keep up. Leslie said that is how in a First Nations Society the community works together. While we worked she told stories of how the villages worked together to develop individuals and interests for the development of the whole community. Those students who are making their first pouch have to make a gift of it to someone else.

Monday, February 6, 2012
We had a busy day that started with silent reading. After we took attendance and got organized, we had a spelling test and worked on our worksheets.
Our students got to enjoy a dance and music performance by Colquitz Middle School. They were a respectful audience. When we returned to the classroom we had a math lesson and continued to work on times tables.
The students that are at a different level than the majority of the class have been put in a math group and are participating in the Jump Math Program so they can go at their own pace.We are working hard to try and meet all the students needs.
After lunch we had Music, D.P.A. and then Language Arts. In Language Arts we worked on writing persuasive paragraphs.
See you on Wednesday and please remember to bring helmets and gloves for our skating field trip.
Our students got to enjoy a dance and music performance by Colquitz Middle School. They were a respectful audience. When we returned to the classroom we had a math lesson and continued to work on times tables.
The students that are at a different level than the majority of the class have been put in a math group and are participating in the Jump Math Program so they can go at their own pace.We are working hard to try and meet all the students needs.
After lunch we had Music, D.P.A. and then Language Arts. In Language Arts we worked on writing persuasive paragraphs.
See you on Wednesday and please remember to bring helmets and gloves for our skating field trip.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Field Trip: RBC Museum First Nations Exhibit
We had an excellent field trip to the museum Thursday afternoon. We were fortunate to be guided by Leslie McGary who's grandfather's house and grandmothers art work form some of the most impressive parts of the exhibit. The students were well behaved and focused. There were many highlights but I think I liked when the students began to sing when we were waiting in the Museum Long House (see video).
Friday, February 3, 2012
Friday February 3
Greek Food Day:
Outstanding food and a great donation for the school.
Thank you.σας ευχαριστώ (sas ef̱charistó̱)
Thank you.σας ευχαριστώ (sas ef̱charistó̱)

We began the day with our Friday Test. Tests will be handed back on Monday. After the test two of our students "S" and "A" gave a little presentation on community behavior. This was followed by Music and Math and time to work on their various work projects assigned this week.
At lunch the Greek community served a Greek meal for the whole school. Then in the afternoon we held a 30 min assembly with the choir performing for our Greek guests, a power point presentation of our students art work thanking the Greek community, the usual speeches and the donation to our school of $3.000 from the Greek community to our school.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Wednesday Afternoon: Guest speakers Music and Friendship books
Please bring back signed field trip forms:
Friday is Greek Lunch day provided by the local Greek Community for every person in the school.

Leslie Mc Gary from the Native Friendship Center came and prepared us for tomorrow's Field trip to the Museum. She talked about aboriginal government, language clothing, customs, cedar trees (trees of life), the Potlatch, talking circles and many other topics as well as sharing special blankets and artifacts with the students.
Our students were very focused and listened with great respect and we were able to have some of our students share a drum song with her under the guidance of Mrs. Awalt who along with the school was given the song by Louise Melbourne.
Our students were very focused and listened with great respect and we were able to have some of our students share a drum song with her under the guidance of Mrs. Awalt who along with the school was given the song by Louise Melbourne.
The talk went quite long so the students only had about 10 min of music with Mrs. Awalt to practice their recorders.
After music the students had time to catch up on missing work and finish their Friendship mini-Book due next Monday.
See you all tomorrow.
Important Notices:
Friday the 3 rd the Greek Community is providing a Greek meal for every student in the school.
Our skating has been moved to next Thursday to make way for the field trip to the museum.
Our skating has been moved to next Thursday to make way for the field trip to the museum.
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