Welcome to our class Blog, A teaching resource for parents and students, to keep you informed about what we are studying and learning at Tillicum Elementary School. The blog will be updated regularly so come back often and enjoy our learning. (To be notified when the blog is updated become follower by email)
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday November 28: Spelling, Sudoku and Music
Monday morning saw the dismantling of our classroom in real time with the removal of our windows and the flooring. The good news is we will be in the computer lab for at least two weeks. The other good news is there may be hardwood floors under our cheap linoleum.

We began the week with our weekly spelling words. The words are listed at the right as well the pretest was marked and sent home along with the list of spelling words on a slip of paper. As well each week there is a single double sided worksheet to go along with the spelling words. There is a little time to work on this sheet in class but the main idea is that the students will take it home to work on. 
One of the big bonus's of being in the library/computer lab is we get lots of time using the smart board and the computer for our lessons. We began our new mini-book on the computer using Microsoft Word. Our topic is a week with a mythical or magical creature.
After recess the students went to music where they are preparing songs for our Winter concert. In the picture the students are signing along with one of the songs. Very cool thing to learn as we have a deaf student in the school.

For Math I introduced the students to simple 4x4 sudoku. Sudoku involves mathematical thinking and organization of information in a fun but complex game. Sudoku is a game that the students, if the learn the patterns, can play and use to keep their minds sharp their whole life.
Mrs. M has gone and has been replaced by Tracy who will be with us until the position is posted and filled through the hiring process used by the district. Welcome Tracy and we look forward to working with you.
Be sure to check out the pictures at the right side for yesterday... I will be away Tuesday and Mrs. O will be in for me.

One of the big bonus's of being in the library/computer lab is we get lots of time using the smart board and the computer for our lessons. We began our new mini-book on the computer using Microsoft Word. Our topic is a week with a mythical or magical creature.

For Math I introduced the students to simple 4x4 sudoku. Sudoku involves mathematical thinking and organization of information in a fun but complex game. Sudoku is a game that the students, if the learn the patterns, can play and use to keep their minds sharp their whole life.

Friday, November 25, 2011
Friday November 25th: Moving class, Reports, Triangular Kites and Buddies
Craft Fair in the Gym this Weekend check it out.
Lots of new pictures of our kite project and buddies are posted in our photo library.
Our temporary Class
We began the day setting ourselves up in the library/computer lab/ smart board area. Our class is having our windows and floors replaced as they are as old as the building itself. It appears we will be out of our room for about a week. It will be a great time for us to do projects with a greater technology focus. After we were settled in out temp classroom we began with our regular spelling test which was marked, recorded and sent home.Craft Fair in the Gym this Weekend check it out.
Lots of new pictures of our kite project and buddies are posted in our photo library.

We had an early lunch as our class was one of two classes in the school that was chosen for a Science/Math Kite making activity by students from Camosun collage. The activity began about 11:30 and we worked on them through the regular lunch time until about 1:30. The activity was fun and quite challenging for many as it involved lots of tying of small knots. In the end, however, almost all of the students were successful in making their kite. We did not have time to fly them today as we were off to buddies with Mrs. Dagg's class. In buddies the students worked on math addition with their little buddies. Mrs. Dagg has a counting system she uses that helps the students conceptualize the written numbers with the abstract concept of the number. I think it was good for some of my students as well as the grade one's.

With the last 30 min of the day we said good-bye to Mrs. M who has been in the class working with many of our students on math, language arts or whatever other help they needed. She is well liked, talented, positive and cheerful and has helped many of the students in a very patient and supportive way. Mrs. M. is going to James Bay Elementary into a permanent position so, although we will miss her, we wish her well at her new assignment. Thank you Mrs. M. for everything and the treats...

See you all Monday, hope you manage to fly those kites in the storms they are promising this weekend.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Wednesday Afternoon: Chickens, Music and Catchup

As the computer lab is down for this week while new windows are being installed so, instead of going to the computer lab, for the first period in the afternoon we stayed in the class and took part in a school wide activity sponsored by 'Veterinarians Without Borders." Their project is to provide a live chicken for poor families in villages in Laos. For every chicken a student in our school draws, a live chicken is given to a needy family in Laos. As 'C' said, "Our drawings magically come to life." I liked that image and the class really seemed to enjoy the idea and working on a worthy cause.

Great afternoon everyone. See you Friday morning when our class is being moved to the computer lab for a week while the School District replaces our old windows and floor. We may have to spend a week in the computer lab and library... sounds like a great 21 century way to spend a week in school. I am looking forward to starting some very exciting computer based learning and projects while we have the opportunity. Be sure and drop in on us when we are in our temp classroom in the lab if you can.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Tuesday November 22: Scrambled Spelling, Kayaks and Arts reach
We started the week with our weekly spelling words. Instead of dictating the words I gave them the words in scrambled form.
With these scrambled words the last two letters of the word are in the correct order. (rohn et = hornet) After the students had been trying to unscramble the words for awhile we talked about how in English there can only be two consonants before a vowel in needed and if there are three letters there is probably a consonant a vowel then a consonant. We also talked about how spelling words follow patterns for example most of the easy word list is focused on the ai or ay words. The scrambled words allowed the students to think about how words are constructed. I am not sure if they figured out the analytical approach yet so we will have to try this another time.

hosrt niromng rpoch tenvinor rohnet reofst oprt tcodor robfid rotch tosrm poexrt droer nartodo otsry ronth gorfot cotafry fosnartrm robit norcer coerrd nosrt perort
ital iamd iajl yda aMy arin aimn iasl ayh rya iwat biat dia sya yla ima pian pial apy ywa

After lunch we were one of two classes chosen by "Arts Reach" to take part in a special art program in the gym. We worked with painting one half of a sheet of paper, folding it together to see what design emerged and then added detail and embellishments with oil pastel. Many of the designs turned out interesting and nothing like we planned.

The scrambled words are:
hosrt niromng rpoch tenvinor rohnet reofst oprt tcodor robfid rotch tosrm poexrt droer nartodo otsry ronth gorfot cotafry fosnartrm robit norcer coerrd nosrt perort
(short morning porch inventor hornet forest port doctor forbid torch storm export order tornado story north forgot factory transform orbit corner record snort report)
ital iamd iajl yda aMy arin aimn iasl ayh rya iwat biat dia sya yla ima pian pial apy ywa
(tail maid jail day May rain main sail hay ray wait bait aid say lay aim pain pail pay way)

After spelling we watched a video on YouTube showing part of the 1922 film on the life of the Inuit focused specifically on the family of Nanook, entitled "Nanook of the North". Go to
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cob7rVk02dA to watch the amazing kayak scene from the movie.
For the next few weeks we are exploring the different means of transportation used by different First Nations people around Canada. We watched video's of the Inuit, how to navigate and control a kayak and worked on the kayak one page report.
For the next few weeks we are exploring the different means of transportation used by different First Nations people around Canada. We watched video's of the Inuit, how to navigate and control a kayak and worked on the kayak one page report.

After lunch we were one of two classes chosen by "Arts Reach" to take part in a special art program in the gym. We worked with painting one half of a sheet of paper, folding it together to see what design emerged and then added detail and embellishments with oil pastel. Many of the designs turned out interesting and nothing like we planned.

After "Art Reach" we returned to the class and had silent reading for half an hour until the end of the day. See you all tomorrow afternoon.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Friday November 18: Spelling, Masks, Parents, Buddies and Gym
No school Monday for Students, Teachers are at workshops.
Those students who achieved all right, one wrong or two wrong. Well done!
No school Monday for Students, Teachers are at workshops.

We started the day with the weekly spelling test. 'Y' and 'N' dictated the words, and did the corrections.

After spelling we talked about the the different ways masks are used today. In sports, by Knights of old, as burial masks in Egypt and Asia, in Japanese theater and for ceremony and healing by the First nations peoples in our region. After recess be began a mask project where the students had to make a raven, eagle or a thunder-bird mask using tissue paper to create the feathers. The students were focused and engaged with making these masks so it kept them busy from recess until lunch.

Many parents helped out with the parent fundraiser Food-4-Fun. 'J's' mom came to our class to help her daughter hand out the food.

After Buddies we had a rousing game of bench ball to finish off the day.

Have a great weekend everyone... see you Tuesday.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday Afternoon: Computers, Music and more Computers

Wednesday afternoon computer period was so successful and the students worked so hard I gave them the opportunity to have a second computer period after music. We are working with Power Point to bring in art from other graphic programs to tell a simple short story. I am trying to show them how to use programs like Power Point in not traditional Power Point ways so they will develop creative ways of using programs beyond what they are intended for. Their story is not as important as learning the skills to move images from one format to another. That said, the stories were entertaining and delightful.

The mini books are making the students into very perceptive authors. I am enjoying watch them expand their skills into the new media available on the computers. Next week the windows will be replaced in our class so we will move our class to the library for the installation. It will be great to have the computers and smart board available all day long.
Take care all see you Friday. Study your spelling.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Probability, poetry and timelines with Mrs O'Connor
Today in Social Studies we began to compare the exploration of North America from a European and Aboriginal perspective. The students learned how to create a timeline, a skill that we will use often in this unit.
In the picture above H holds up the penny she used to learn about probability and statistics in Math.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Tuesday Nov 15th: Legends, Scholastic, Lacrosse, Pe and Art.
We began the day finishing off the one page report retelling the Haida legend of the killer Whale. Followed by them writing a one page report on what sport should be Canada's Official National sport. On the books lacrosse is the national sport, however most Canadians think it should be Hockey. The students have to make up their mind between the two sports or choose another. This is a carry over from a discussion and worksheet they were given by Mrs. O'Connor yesterday. They were then given time to work on their new mini - book "It's Not Easy Being....."

After recess the students had reading for 30 min. As you can see from the pictures their own mini-books and those of their peers are still very popular choices for reading time. Many choose to read library books, books from home, and some read their new Scholastic book orders that had just arrived today.
After Reading we talked about famous Canadian James Naismith who invented basket ball and did a one page report on him and his accomplishments. I chose this famous Canadian as we have been looking at Canada's National Sports. Many students think hockey should be our National game as it is our most popular sport. An equal number of students thought Lacrosse should be the national game as it was a popular First Nations sport and was our National sport. I introduced the idea of our National sport being basketball as it was invented by a Canadian.
In math we worked on three digit by three digit subtraction and addition. It was a review for my math group and harder for the other two math groups.

After lunch we had cooperative games in P.E. We were joined by Mr. Edwards class for the last 20 minutes of the period. This was followed by an art period where the students used three different sized popsicle sticks and a variety of colored paper to create a ' Long house' relief picture. That took us up to the end of the day. Have a great evening and see you all tomorrow afternoon.

After recess the students had reading for 30 min. As you can see from the pictures their own mini-books and those of their peers are still very popular choices for reading time. Many choose to read library books, books from home, and some read their new Scholastic book orders that had just arrived today.
After Reading we talked about famous Canadian James Naismith who invented basket ball and did a one page report on him and his accomplishments. I chose this famous Canadian as we have been looking at Canada's National Sports. Many students think hockey should be our National game as it is our most popular sport. An equal number of students thought Lacrosse should be the national game as it was a popular First Nations sport and was our National sport. I introduced the idea of our National sport being basketball as it was invented by a Canadian.

Thursday, November 10, 2011
Remembrance Day moments
Photo retake day is on the 15th
Two students from each class are selected to take the wreaths to the front of the gymnasium. Good job 'E' and 'F'.
Photo retake day is on the 15th

Today the class was totally focused, and quietly engaged in the Remembrance Day Assembly. Many of the students sang in the choir and took part in the color march in with the bagpiper. After the assembly many of the students remained behind to help put away chairs, deliver the amazing variety of wreaths back to the classes, put away the props and stage items used in the assembly and finally clean up the gym. I was proud of them all. Great job everyone. Have a great Remembrance day and see you all next week.
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